Title of contract



Furnizim me licensa te Microsoft-it 3CIS 11.10.2017
Desktop Zero Client All in one IPKO Telecommunication LLC 29.08.2017
Supply with VMware Licenses PO ID: 101/17 TEB Banka Sh.A. 09.08.2017
Furnizim me një Server rezerve për ruajtjen e shënimeve jashtë ndërtese si dhe një Softueri i cili ne mënyre automatike e realizon ruajtjen Zyra Kombetare e Auditimit 18.07.2017
Licensa per support te VMware për plotësimin e kërkesave të Bankës ProCredit në Kosovë ProCredit Bank 29.06.2017
Mirëmbajtja dhe servisimi I pajisjeve EMC – Llot 2 MAP – Ministria e Administrates Publike 29.06.2017
Furnizim me Servere IPKO Telecommunication LLC 19.06.2017
Furnizim me Veeam Back Up BPB Banka per Biznes 26.05.2017
Furnizim me Storage NLB Banka 22.05.2017
Vazhdimin e Licencave per NGFW Sophos SG 330 KOSTT Sh.a. 27.03.2017
Furnizim me Pajisje te IT-se për nevojat e Postes se Kosoves Posta e Kosoves Sh.a. 28.03.2017
Furnizim me Pajisje te IT-së NLB Bank 01.03.2017
Purchase of VMware Licenses Donator -LUX development Beneficiary- Ministry of health 28.12.2016
Desktop Zero Clients – Samsung NC221 IPKO Telecommunication LLC 23.12.2016
Furnizim me pajisje dhe pjese reserve për ruajtjen e te dhënave Policia e Kosoves 06.12.2016
Supply with “RSA-Tokens and Licenses ProCredit Bank 23.11.2016
Qendra Operative e Rrjetit MAP – Ministria e Administrates Publike 18.11.2016
Riparimi i Cisco Fabric Switch Policia e Kosoves 26.10.2016
Furnizim me NGFW dhe pajisje për arkivim te email-ave KOSTT Sh.A. 19.09.2016
Furnizim me HDD për storage Telekomi i Kosoves Sh.A. 05.08.2016
Furnizim me Licenca dhe Programe Kompjuterike Policia e Kosoves 08.06.2016
Desktop Zero Clients – Samsung NC221 IPKO Telecommunication LLC 25.03.2016
Furnizim me licence te antivirusit Ministria e Administrates Publike MAP 17.03.2016
Sophos SG Appliance ProCredit Bank 19.01.2016
Furnizim me paisje të teknologjisë informative NLB Prishitna 04.12.2015
Furnizim me Licenca per Pajisje te Sigurise Policia e Kosoves 29.09.2015
Furnizim me pajisje te Teknologjise Informative AKP 26.08.2015
Furnizim me licenca Antivirus MAP 19.03.2015
KONTRATE-NR-214/14/198/111 FURNIZIMI ME PAJISJE TE SIGURISE SE IT Policia e Kosoves 13.11.2014
PERKRAHJE ME VMware -PRODUCTION SUPPORT KONTRATE-NR-214/14/110/121 Policia e Kosoves 05.09.2014
PAJISJE MBESHTETESE TE RRJETIT DHE L1NKA MIKROVALORE me nurner identifikues: 214/14/071/111 Policia e Kosoves 22.08.2014
2193/2014 Vmware licences PCB 06.06.2014
EMC Data domain dhe EMC networker software per backup NLB 01.04.2014
Mirembajtja e paisjeve te rrjetit shteteror dhe servereve NR:202/13/038/221 MAP 30.12.2013
Furnizim me EMC disqe NLB 07.11.2013
WMware and EMC Storage On-Site Training and Certification United States Embassy Pristina, Kosovo 27.09.2013
Supply with IT equipments Privatization Agency of Kosovo 28.08.2013
Vmware Vsphere licence upgrade Procredit Bank 17.07.2013
Increase of resources and promotion of IT services Ministry of Public Administration 02.07.2013
VMWare licenses Norwegian Mapping Authority/ Agjensioni Kadaster i Kosoves 25.05.2013
Data Center (vCloud) Implementation Project in Kosovo Police Donator – U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo 02.01.2013
Supplies Contract KSV/014•12 051 Title: HIS Pilot Sites IT -Infrastructure Hardware ( Joint Venture Printec- Virtuo) Donator – LUX development – Beneficiary – Ministry of health 07.12.2012
Maintenance of backup strategy, installation and support Ministry of Public Administration 04.10.2012
Supply with EMC equipment’s NLB Prishtina 15.05.2012
Supply with VMware licenses (software) NLB Prishtina 04.01.2012
Supply with servers and equipment’s for servers Privatization Agency of Kosovo 19.09.2011
Supply and implementation and training of Hardware and Software NLB Bank in Prishtina 11.03.2011
Supply and implementation for Back system in MPA Ministry of Public Administration 04.12.2010
Data Center MPA Lot 1 Ministry of Public Administration 13.09.2010
Microsoft Licenses LOT 3 ICO 30.03.2010
Supply with VM ware vSphere ProCredit Bank 30.10.2009
Supply with antivirus licenses (Sophos Enterprise Security and Control) Ministry of Public Administration 30.09.2009
Supply and instalation aplication server dhe backup for PTK PTK 22.05.2009
Supply with antivirus licenses ICO 25.03.2009
Supply with antivirus licenses Ministry of Public Administration 18.02.2009
Project for disaster recovery center for IT in MPA-se LOT 4 (VM Ware licenses) Ministry of Public Administration 13.10.2008