Title of contract |
Contractor |
Date |
Furnizim me licensa te Microsoft-it | 3CIS | 11.10.2017 | |
Desktop Zero Client All in one | IPKO Telecommunication LLC | 29.08.2017 | |
Supply with VMware Licenses PO ID: 101/17 | TEB Banka Sh.A. | 09.08.2017 | |
Furnizim me një Server rezerve për ruajtjen e shënimeve jashtë ndërtese si dhe një Softueri i cili ne mënyre automatike e realizon ruajtjen | Zyra Kombetare e Auditimit | 18.07.2017 | |
Licensa per support te VMware për plotësimin e kërkesave të Bankës ProCredit në Kosovë | ProCredit Bank | 29.06.2017 | |
Mirëmbajtja dhe servisimi I pajisjeve EMC – Llot 2 | MAP – Ministria e Administrates Publike | 29.06.2017 | |
Furnizim me Servere | IPKO Telecommunication LLC | 19.06.2017 | |
Furnizim me Veeam Back Up | BPB Banka per Biznes | 26.05.2017 | |
Furnizim me Storage | NLB Banka | 22.05.2017 | |
Vazhdimin e Licencave per NGFW Sophos SG 330 | KOSTT Sh.a. | 27.03.2017 | |
Furnizim me Pajisje te IT-se për nevojat e Postes se Kosoves | Posta e Kosoves Sh.a. | 28.03.2017 | |
Furnizim me Pajisje te IT-së | NLB Bank | 01.03.2017 | |
Purchase of VMware Licenses | Donator -LUX development Beneficiary- Ministry of health | 28.12.2016 | |
Desktop Zero Clients – Samsung NC221 | IPKO Telecommunication LLC | 23.12.2016 | |
Furnizim me pajisje dhe pjese reserve për ruajtjen e te dhënave | Policia e Kosoves | 06.12.2016 | |
Supply with “RSA-Tokens and Licenses | ProCredit Bank | 23.11.2016 | |
Qendra Operative e Rrjetit | MAP – Ministria e Administrates Publike | 18.11.2016 | |
Riparimi i Cisco Fabric Switch | Policia e Kosoves | 26.10.2016 | |
Furnizim me NGFW dhe pajisje për arkivim te email-ave | KOSTT Sh.A. | 19.09.2016 | |
Furnizim me HDD për storage | Telekomi i Kosoves Sh.A. | 05.08.2016 | |
Furnizim me Licenca dhe Programe Kompjuterike | Policia e Kosoves | 08.06.2016 | |
Desktop Zero Clients – Samsung NC221 | IPKO Telecommunication LLC | 25.03.2016 | |
Furnizim me licence te antivirusit | Ministria e Administrates Publike MAP | 17.03.2016 | |
Sophos SG Appliance | ProCredit Bank | 19.01.2016 | |
MIDRANGE STORAGE SYSTEM REF 0076-09-15 | IPKO | 21.12.2015 | |
Furnizim me paisje të teknologjisë informative | NLB Prishitna | 04.12.2015 | |
Furnizim me Licenca per Pajisje te Sigurise | Policia e Kosoves | 29.09.2015 | |
Furnizim me pajisje te Teknologjise Informative | AKP | 26.08.2015 | |
Furnizim me licenca Antivirus | MAP | 19.03.2015 | |
EMC STORAGE DISK | NLB | 28.01.2015 | |
KONTRATE-NR-214/14/198/111 FURNIZIMI ME PAJISJE TE SIGURISE SE IT | Policia e Kosoves | 13.11.2014 | |
PERKRAHJE ME VMware -PRODUCTION SUPPORT KONTRATE-NR-214/14/110/121 | Policia e Kosoves | 05.09.2014 | |
PAJISJE MBESHTETESE TE RRJETIT DHE L1NKA MIKROVALORE me nurner identifikues: 214/14/071/111 | Policia e Kosoves | 22.08.2014 | |
FURNIZIM ME PJESE REZERVE PER SERVER DHE STRORAGE KONTRATE NR. 214/14/072/111 | Policia e Kosoves | 09.07.2014 | |
2193/2014 Vmware licences | PCB | 06.06.2014 | |
EMC Data domain dhe EMC networker software per backup | NLB | 01.04.2014 | |
Mirembajtja e paisjeve te rrjetit shteteror dhe servereve NR:202/13/038/221 | MAP | 30.12.2013 | |
Furnizim me EMC disqe | NLB | 07.11.2013 | |
WMware and EMC Storage On-Site Training and Certification | United States Embassy Pristina, Kosovo | 27.09.2013 | |
Supply with IT equipments | Privatization Agency of Kosovo | 28.08.2013 | |
Vmware Vsphere licence upgrade | Procredit Bank | 17.07.2013 | |
Increase of resources and promotion of IT services | Ministry of Public Administration | 02.07.2013 | |
VMWare licenses | Norwegian Mapping Authority/ Agjensioni Kadaster i Kosoves | 25.05.2013 | |
Data Center (vCloud) Implementation Project in Kosovo Police | Donator – U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo | 02.01.2013 | |
Supplies Contract KSV/014•12 051 Title: HIS Pilot Sites IT -Infrastructure Hardware ( Joint Venture Printec- Virtuo) | Donator – LUX development – Beneficiary – Ministry of health | 07.12.2012 | |
Maintenance of backup strategy, installation and support | Ministry of Public Administration | 04.10.2012 | |
Supply with EMC equipment’s | NLB Prishtina | 15.05.2012 | |
Supply with VMware licenses (software) | NLB Prishtina | 04.01.2012 | |
Supply with servers and equipment’s for servers | Privatization Agency of Kosovo | 19.09.2011 | |
Supply and implementation and training of Hardware and Software | NLB Bank in Prishtina | 11.03.2011 | |
Supply and implementation for Back system in MPA | Ministry of Public Administration | 04.12.2010 | |
Data Center MPA Lot 1 | Ministry of Public Administration | 13.09.2010 | |
Microsoft Licenses LOT 3 | ICO | 30.03.2010 | |
Supply with VM ware vSphere | ProCredit Bank | 30.10.2009 | |
Supply with antivirus licenses (Sophos Enterprise Security and Control) | Ministry of Public Administration | 30.09.2009 | |
Supply and instalation aplication server dhe backup for PTK | PTK | 22.05.2009 | |
Supply with antivirus licenses | ICO | 25.03.2009 | |
Supply with antivirus licenses | Ministry of Public Administration | 18.02.2009 | |
Project for disaster recovery center for IT in MPA-se LOT 4 (VM Ware licenses) | Ministry of Public Administration | 13.10.2008 | |